6 thoughts on “Tired Of Political Games….Shits Gonna Get Real

  1. There’s well over a million of us, as he said, and the people who are pushing this will find out how wrong they were, in thinking that we would never get tired of their bullshit, and also that they are wrong in thinking they could control this. But they will have little time to reflect on their being wrong.

    1. Grog – he is off by a ‘bit’ – there are (at least) One Hundred MILLION Law Abiding Citizens who own guns – we definitely out number the powers that be by a large margin. We are mostly part of the ;silent majority’ but if pushed too far – they will rue the day they did that pushing.

  2. i am cool as ice, but i go weapons hot in 5 seconds when a threat comes.
    those people demanding their neighborhoods back because they used to live their and turned them to shit until responsible peoplecan in and made them liveable again. if they come to mine i’ll be burying them in the backyard and then enjoying a nice dinner for a job well done.

  3. arab spring. in spite of obozo/Hillary meddling nothing happened until the population couldn’t feed their families with a days wages. coming soon to this country. American spring? ….pray it holds off that long.

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