Is It About The Virus Or The Election?

Is It About The Virus Or The Election?

And speaking of disinformation and the attempt to sabotage the elections yet again, we have Dr. Anthony Fauci continuing to pump out the party line that the Peking Pox Pandemic will be the death of us all. That is, unless we continue to tank our economy by imprisoning the entire population – except of course for rioters, looters and protesters. But that still means that going to the polls in person to vote will mean extinction of the entire species! It seems to me that the rioting over the death of that guy in Minneapolis not only had no effect against Trump, but quite the opposite. I think that the only gambit they have left is to ramp up Sino Sinus Syphilis panic yet again because of all the massive new cases. Forget that the never reported flat to declining death rate along with the spike means that the virus is now – and always has been – marginally more deadly than seasonal flu. Or that the CDC itself said that the danger is essentially over; news that Fauci publicy poo-pooed! The media will have him as the point person to distort and embargo the facts from now until Election Day. And if Trump tries to sideline him, well, you can guess the rest.

Dangerous times.    here….

5 thoughts on “Is It About The Virus Or The Election?

  1. I agree, Fauci is no more than a “deep stater”. The media bring him out to spout off the party line. Does he even have a medical license? I know he has never practiced medicine. He has been a government Administrator his entire career. The disinformation and his wishy-washy comments have caused more harm that good. One day is good to go out, the next week it is not. One day masks are ok not to wear, the next week they are not. Now it is not ok to go back to school. I’m sure he will recommend mail in voting only about September first. What a duffus.

  2. coming to your town imo.

    testing becomes required by the local govt, most test positive even though they have no syptoms as the virus has no affect on most and local govts go for it as it means money from the feds for their public health and also to hospitals.
    then come the lockdowns and ensuing depression.
    clean sweep in november for the democrats and america as founded RIP. it’s too easy for the govt tyranny to not do it.

  3. The midget Fauci is indeed a spineless, Deep State Stooge. Just one look at a photo of his wife/partner should be evidence enough to prove he does “bottoms” in both his personal relationship and career.

  4. Man, I think I hate is when people take facts and then adapt them to fit their narrative.

    Check weekly death rates covid vs weekly death rates flu, not infection rates vs. deaths because that fits the narrative, the HUGE difference is no where near as many people get the flu as will get and have gotten covid, so the whole argument that this just kills as many people as the flu is a stupid one.

    Also, I know people claim the covid numbers are inflated, but it doesn’t take a genius to figure that out, so then also check death by all other causes averages per week vs death rates with covid. The with covid numbers are roughly 5000 more per week at the moment, but the covid lag is 2 weeks, actually 13 days to be spot on.

    Looking backwards and then to today again in roughly 2 weeks the death rate from covid will be about 8000 deaths per week in 2 weeks, and if covid cases keep going up that number will, of course, go up.

    The more people that get covid the more people will die and unlike the flu this isn’t seasonal nor slowing down. When the dust settles, in my opinion, covid will have killed off about .7% of the population – and it’s that low because not everyone will have to get it before it’s done.

    Doesn’t matter, I don’t think, who’s in office covid would have run it’s course regardless. I think the trick was to keep the ICU’s open for the 10% infected that need them, but you’d probably only see a small percentage less deaths. Already in some states the ICU’s are full.

    I’ve know far too many people that have died from covid, my dad passed away about 10 years ago, but his best friend died on the 4th of July from it. In my circle the death rate from covid is 100% sadly, that’s the 5th person I know that had it and the 5th to die as a result. Of course the death rate isn’t that high, just among the people I know with it. My son, daughter-in-law and grandson may have had it and survived, but they’ve not had a reason to be tested for antibodies yet.

    Here’s what I’ve been saying all along. If you’re over 50 and have a BMI over 25 then don’t get covid. If you have high blood pressure and/or high cholesterol don’t get covid. If you have cancer or a weakened immune system, don’t get covid. If you’re over 80, don’t get covid. Everyone else shouldn’t be as worried about dying from it, just really those people. I’d say among that population the death rate is probably closer to 10-15% – just a guess because it’s batting 100% in my circle.

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