9 thoughts on “This Will Not End Well

  1. Wow. Just wow. The two racist blacks hectored and attacked the poor woman driving the car, and she had to draw her cc to get away safely.

  2. These are not civilized people. They don’t want to live in a civil society (as evidenced by the entire fucking continent of Africa…).
    They don’t want law and order (#defundthepopo).
    They don’t want equality (only #blm, not everybody)
    They don’t want economic opportunity (welfare, quotas, affirmitive action)
    They want your money and you dead (reparations!)

    Wake up to that, its a FACT.

    I work with a diverse group of people, they are all very nice, we all get along, and nobody has an issue with anybody. Bet you a dollar those screeching monkeys don’t work, don’t have a job, husband, mortgage, or bank account.
    They don’t want to live in this world, they want to make their own! This will not be resolved, one side will defeat and punish the other. Choose wisely!

  3. Observation: Meet the Chip-on-Shoulder “Ya can’t fix stupid” overweight bullies.

    Can’t we all just get along? Negative!

  4. I had a similar incident happen to me about 6 months ago. I pulled into a parking space and came real close to the car next to mine. The black women starting telling me that I had hit her car. I knew I came real close so I got out and walked around to her car and looked and did not see any scrapes or dents. I knew I was real close but I did not hit it and told her so. She kept telling me I hit her car. I got back in mine any re-adjusted to give her more room to get out thinking that was her issue. Was not. She backed out and drove off and that was it. Maybe I was lucky.

  5. Creating conflict is an addiction that the left seems to be infected with. They revel in labeling and castigating anyone who they identify as being an opponent and this is the crux of this confrontation.

    The black woman who instigated this had decided that the white woman was her ‘enemy’ before any apology for any possible transgression could have been offered. With that mindset there was no possible resolution available short of literally grovelling at the feet of the screaming foul language using black woman and I am uncertain if that would have sufficed to be quite honest.

    So desirous of pursuing he animus towards the white woman, this black woman physically pursued her. In the world of bluff and bluster, once you start using physical intimidation you are the aggressor. This black woman was intent on intimidating this white woman and acted vigorously to do so. I hope Law enforcement reviews all of the video as they will see for themselves that the white woman only retrieved her firearm after she had been forced backwards by the black woman and that their (the white woman’s male companion and her car) had its path blocked creating a scenario where the white woman was cornered and unable to de-escalate the situation by leaving peacefully. This is exonerating footage.

    Lastly, the left and the media have successfully created an US versus Them scenario for this year’s elections and probably for many years to come. This is the culmination of the war of social upheaval the left has been waging for many years in their efforts to disrupt the stability of our nation. In essence, this is a revolt and should be considered as such. We must act with the understanding that if the left prevails our nation as founded and our long standing principles will be torn asunder as the left erects new monuments and champions new heroes that better embody their vision of a socialist America. Now is the time to fight for our cause.

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