Trudeau Saving Canada From Danger One Coffee Company At A Time

Trudeau Saving Canada From Danger One Coffee Company At A Time

Just goes to show you the blanket purge by the left, they don’t bother to research legislation….guns bad is good enough, just like American lefties.

8 thoughts on “Trudeau Saving Canada From Danger One Coffee Company At A Time

  1. If the Canadians were smart, they’d spot this obvious idiocy as a clue that their government is too stupid, blinkered, and incompetent to be trusted, and demand that this insane power grab be rescinded at once.

    But they’re not.

    1. We do see it as a massive lie and a criminal fraud. He ‘passed’ this by whats called an order of council,. Those are supposed to be used to provide guidance to parliament on what new laws the government would like. But since he has effectively disbanded parliament he is acting like its a law.
      Worse the RCMP head said they would enforce it as a legal law even though it isn’t.

      Add in that he has added additional ‘banned’ guns just about every day. This is nothing more than him attempting to be a dictator.

      Yesterday they added mauser action bolt actions to the ‘assault weapon’ list.

      1. You have my sympathies. It’s one thing to be ruled over incompetent, stupid, malevolent fools who hate you. It’s quite another when they were put in place by a legitimate election.

        1. The problem is population. We have a system like how the democrats would love to modify yours too. Ontario has the majority of the population and the seats. Quebec has extra seats beyound its population because they are special. In the west we have less seats than our population represents. So even if the west votes out this idiot as long as ontario votes for more government we are stuck.

  2. Exposing their colossal ignorance while Canadian lefties (which is pretty much the entire nation) look down their collective noses at the vulgar Americans.

  3. Just like the Krauts at the concentration camps: “Here’s the soap step into the showers. It’s for your own good”. And the sheeple complied.

  4. Is there a French equivalent of, “Ve Vas Only Following Orders”?

    Maybe those bright red “mountie” uniforms are no longer to be considered friendly. The old KGB leathers did look rather tacky, but this is a startling change.

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