The Company You Keep

The Company You Keep

I actually like Dr. Birx demeanor at the briefings, Dr. Fauci not so much. That being said both of them have relationships with democrats that makes me leery of projections and advice they are giving POTUS…..just saying.

I know I’m going to get a lot of flak for posting this from the “how can you attack the good doctors, you don’t know shit” crowd but I think people can see for themselves things seem a bit sketchy as far as predictions and recommendations to keeping the country on lock down.

Dr. Deborah Birx comes across as the calming voice of reason while encouraging Americans to default on their life savings.  She encourages Americans to stay at home and away from the coronavirus that is killing 80 year olds with pre-existing medical conditions.  The fact that fatalities from the virus are almost non-existent in the working class has no bearing on Dr. Birx’s recommendations.

In spite of the fact that the death rates from the coronavirus to date are a fraction of the numbers from this year’s flu season, Dr. Birx suggests we all stay home and shut down the economy together.

Dr. Birx previously said all of the flu models predicted somewhere between 1.6 and 2.2 million deaths if the government did not mitigate. But we all know that these are large and excessive numbers difficult to validate.  Dr Birx said some models predicted half of the United States would be infected.

Both Dr. Birx and her counterpart on the coronavirus task team, Dr. Fauci have strong connections to the Democrat Deep State.  As reported previously, Dr. Fauci wrote an email to Hillary Clinton after her questioning before Congress in 2013.

Dr. Fauci offered glowing praise for Crooked Hillary in a leaked January 26, 2016 email.   Keep reading….

4 thoughts on “The Company You Keep

  1. “I know I’m going to get a lot of flak for posting this…”

    Not from me! As you point out, Fauci has in the past spoken highly of Clinton and other democRATS. When he first began speaking at President Trump’s press calls, I sensed that something wasn’t right about him. I would say that he is a democRAT plant. I am beginning to think the same of Birx. No matter, President Trump has this covered.

  2. I have stopped listening to the CDC, and to doctors who are ER docs from hellholes like NYC and New Orleans, and the two above because all of them have completely ignored any actual evidence from non-hellholes.

    Yes, if you are old and sick and live in a hell-hole or hang with hellish people (like Hollywood’s stars and top people, apparently underlying drug use and AIDS and HepC are beginning to take a toll…) it sucks to be you. But all of us free people out here in free-people-land? Not so much.

    Yes, take precautions if you or yours is in the the high-risk group, just like you should do every flu season.

    But the killing-of-the-economy thingy? That’s just a direct power-play by the DNC, the MSM and those that control those groups.

  3. Um…Americans have such short memories.

    Fauci is the guy in the 80’s whose “modeling” forecasted the AIDS “epidemic.” Surely you remember the AIDS scare of the 1980s? All I heard about as a kid was AIDS.

    Caving to the homosexual community, he/they used fear and the media to drive home a message that AIDS was a modern day plague that was going to savage the heterosexual community as it had homosexuals. Incessant media fear mongering is why funding for AIDS on a per capita basis dwarfed other far more ubiquitous diseases (i.e. cancer). It was disproportional funding on a disease that remained almost exclusively limited to gay men, intravenous drug users, bisexual males and women who had sexual relations with any of those groups.

    He’s now the MSM’s “level headed” darling providing sober scientific advice as opposed to Orange Bad Man.
    But Fauci ’s NOT exactly a guy with a track record for cool, research based, levelheaded decision making.

    I get the same feeling when the MSM rolls out Colin Powell as a trusted example of someone with a record for truth and veracity.

    · Reply · 23h

  4. II rather enjoy the alphas Trump and Fauci workinhg together. Sort off a ‘Murican thing. China hid the disease outbreak until after they sent diseased travelers to the US. We had no and now, very little information,@@ about the virus. Italian deaths mostly occurred after their healthcare system collapsed. Then “knife in the guts” but no bed space meant “Corona Death”. China always lies and Iran can just go die in peace. They ain’t talking. Quarantine trashes the economy (Hong Kong) and the disease starts up again when everyone comes out of their bunker.

    “Flattening the Curve” limits the damage as we see what is going on. Do nothing and get Italy or Iranian mass graves. What we know today is a huge jump from what was “known” a month or two ago.

    Then there is reality. The US is a physically large country. What might work, be needed, etc in NYC will probably be useless in Ohio. The President has the “Bully Pulpit, some blunt tools, and a lot of hyper children to lead on something that has never been done before. Used to be that a ‘Murican President could recruit some ‘Murican scientists/physicians/experts/industrialists to get something done for “Murica while keeping ‘Muricans alive. The CDC/FDA, full of **** hired or promoted by Obama, screwed the pooch every way imaginable.

    I give Donny and Tony lots of credit for the opening moves in a game they didn’t understand. Ain’t perfect but it puts us in a position to adjust on the fly.

    Got some ideas? Go for it! Just shut up, you sound like Chicago Democrats wailing for their “Gibs”.

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