3 thoughts on “Genius!!!

  1. While the N.Y. Times and Wash. Post don’t actually manufacture the paper they print their news on. The underlying jab is that their newspapers and content are pretty much nothing more than ass wipe.

  2. I spent a good chunk of my life working at two
    paper mills as a maintenance mechanic. Even
    if the New York Slimes owned their own mill, it
    would not be capable of producing toilet paper
    or paper towels.

    A newsprint machine can easily be converted to
    produce corrugated stock. The product is dried
    by steam rolls (60-80) in total. Toilet paper and
    paper towels use a humongous superheated
    dryer roll to fluff up the product.

    Otherwise, the idea is pure genius!

  3. Not a chance of this happening since then the Democrat-Media would then have been useful for something. They could never tolerate such a thing.

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