9 thoughts on “Is This Something?

  1. Could be fake, but the facts side is accurate. The
    Coronavirus is the only where you cannot get
    accurate figures on overall spread, mortality
    rates, or the Rnaught number. The mortality
    rate is vastly exaggerated. A mortality rate of
    .85 flies in the face of reason. In a totally contained
    enviroment (a cruise ship) a total of six geezers
    died out of a total of 3,000+ passengers and
    crew members. Unless someone dragged 174
    bodies off the ship unnoticed, the mortality
    rate cannot be .85. In fact it is orders of
    magnitude lower than .85!

  2. Curious if there was a death rate by age, figured there would have to be by now. There is:
    80+ = 14.8%
    70-80 = 8%
    60-70 = 3.5%
    50-60 = 1.25%
    40-50 = .3%
    10-40 = .1%
    under 10 = 0

    Men 2.8%, Women 1.7%

    Reported cases death/recovery rate is 6.18%, but since not all cases are reported it’s believed the death rate is closer to 3.4% Seeing as how most people under 50 recover from it, and that most people under 50 probably wouldn’t report it that number possibly is lower. While I personally think people should be concerned this mostly just kills people over 50. I’m going to venture a guess that’s most of the people reading this.

    The number of people infected isn’t anywhere near leveling off. The US is doing an absolutely shitty job of getting this under control, the number of cases doubles currently less than every 2 days, that’s not “leveling off.”

    I mean that whole narrative that this has anything to do with our election is bullshit. You think Italy goes on full lock-down because they want to hurt Trump’s chances of being re-elected? I lived in Italy for a few months, they barely care about their own politics let alone ours.

    Think someone/media or otherwise promotes a virus around an election because they don’t want Clinton, or Bush, or Obama or Trump to be elected or re-elected (makes no sense.)

    I’m not a lefty, I prefer my politics keep out of my life as much as possible… right and left and both try as hard as they can to tell me what I can and can’t do… neither side does a good job of staying out of it.

    I’m going to venture a guess that most everyone over 80 that gets sick with this is identified, and 1 in 7 die, that’s a hell of a lot of rooms becoming available at the old folks home.

    To push a narrative that you have nothing to worry about here, this is all a sham from the left, or that the flu is worse, etc… is irresponsible.

    1. Are you being a bit hand-sighted here? This is, despite being a few weeks along, a very fast developing situation. Trump almost immediately restricted travel from China and the usual scumbag peanut gallery jabbered about zenophobia and racism. If that virus had started here in Seattle on the Amazon or Microsoft campuses, not in a hospice filled with already very sick and compromised elderly people, we would not likely have such an uproar. Only two years ago something like 85,000 people died in the US from simple influenza. What did we hear about that? Eh, a casual mention on the news and then the sports report.
      Not to say that we should be complacent at all. This critter is pretty tenacious and seems to move fast. (Do not do what I did 2 nights ago and watch “Outbreak”). Be vigilant and do what I have done all the time for decades and so avoided any cold and flu – wash hands, use sanitizer when you can’t wash, and avid sick people.

  3. You might want to start taking this virus more seriously.
    Brushing off the potential seriousness just makes you appear ignorant.

    1. Here in Seattle at night, the pyres for the dead light up the sky. It’s medieval. They did not die of the virus, just that Bernie is likely to lose.

  4. Presidential elections come every 4 years, and in any one 4 year cycle there can certainly be some sort of medical thing happening.

    It is not unlike this factual and VERY OMINOUS fact: Every nation that has had an eagle as its symbol, like Rome or Prussia or Czarist Russia, has fallen. The USA’s symbol….is an eagle! Da da daaaaaaah!

    True, but meaningless in itself.

    So sez me!

  5. Sure, progs will try to blame Trump for anything. They’ve failed, spectacularly. With Corona, their response has been they want open borders, free healthcare for illegals, school lunch, and expanded unemployment.
    Trump has broken them.
    But they don’t stop. They’re working on an October Surprise. It’s what they do. They’re lining up fake whistleblowers and shaping narratives to release to Stelter and Tapper. They likely have a September Surprise in the works too. Why? Because it’s all they know; besides corruption, nepotism, and sexual predator donors. And no, I don’t know what their surprise(s) will be, but you wait and see.

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