Same Old Story, Same Old Song and Dance

Same Old Story, Same Old Song and Dance

Sen. Lisa Murkowski, R-Alaska, says she was “disturbed” to hear Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell say there would be “total coordination” between the White House and the Senate over the upcoming presidential impeachment trial.

“And in fairness, when I heard that I was disturbed,” Murkowski said before describing that there should be distance between the White House and the Senate in how the trial is conducted. “To me it means that we have to take that step back from being hand in glove with the defense, and so I heard what leader McConnell had said, I happened to think that that has further confused the process.”    here….

The good people of Alaska need to re-think who they want to represent them, RINO’s and frightened women ain’t gonna cut it, learn to fight dammit or get out of the way.


3 thoughts on “Same Old Story, Same Old Song and Dance

  1. It’s no secret she’s a closet demonrat who….like a LOT of RINOs are only part of the GOP because they couldn’t win office running openly as a (D).

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