6 thoughts on “Character Flaw

  1. Much like the media attacked Bristol Palin for dropping the asperin pill, or any other ‘flaw’ in a conservative’s family.

    Yeah, would be nice if the nasty reporting was even across the board.

    And the media did try to savage Don Jr. and Trump over Don Jr.’s divorce and scandalous affair. But at least he didn’t bed his dead brother’s wife or something like that…, oh, wait, that was Hunter again, my mistake…

  2. Hunter is a big loser. Big “L” stamped on his forehead. If his last name wasn’t Biden and his father wasn’t former VP, he would be cleaning toilets at the local school and he would have been dishonorably discharged from the service.

    1. A drug and sex perv like Hunter wouldn’t pass the background checks to work at the local school. Seriously.

      In some ways, it is actually harder to get ‘low class’ jobs than ‘high class’ ones as there are a lot of laws and regulations that control who gets hired at ‘low class’ ones. No amount of Fatherly Power can skate perv-boy past those laws and regs.

      Those laws and regs are what holds a lot of convicted felons from getting those same ‘low class’ jobs.

  3. the kennedy offspring that turned out to be so pathetic have nothing on hunter biden. you would think joe biden would tell him to STFU for a year.

  4. Just saw Joe’s…oops, JO’s retooled campaign slogan. What a fag. I swear are there Trump ops working in that campaign? Who in God’s creation let him suck on his wife’s fingers in public???

    Whatever harm Hunter is doing to his (corn) Pop’s campaign is like dropping bombs on the rubble to make it bounce.

    Whatever you say about Hillary, and I take second place to no one in the hate I have for that cunt, she was a worthy(ruthless) opponent. Seriously, it was her that funded the Steele dossier, the basis for years of witch hunting. The field up there now is a joke, Trump crushes any one of them, no wonder she’s licking her chops.

    Scott Adams recently said in 5 years, he’s already bored with the next President. There’ll never be another one like this man.

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