3 thoughts on “No Soup For You

  1. Man, the right and the left push this dumb shit too far and de-legitimize any of it. The further right and further left you go the stupider you seem to get.

    They turned off power because in high winds the power-lines start fires. PG&E’s energy does come from nuclear and coal/natural gas burning. Yes they have renewable sources as well, but the majority of it is not “green.”

    Furthermore the people that have a source of “green” energy not hooked up to the grid, are the people that actually have power, it’s the people without that don’t.

  2. Only those with battery backup had “Green” power. The rest with their solar arrays had nothing more that flashy junk on the roof.
    Me, I cooked up the stuff in the fridge. Put the stuff in the freezer on dry ice and had a separate cooler for the beer. It was similar to camping but, with a nicer bed. I don’t have an ol’ lady so there was no whining at the rancho.
    I am going out in the next week or so to buy a carbon spewing generator since I really need more beer on hand.

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