3 thoughts on “Red Flag Laws

  1. The day we have a national red flag law passed will be the day that it can be said the government did intitate war against free Americans. Once our sovereignty is compromised such that we are rendered defenseless we are then subjects and not citizens.

    Only a politician bent on making changes to society that the majority of the citizens do not want would ever consider disarming this society. That is because it is the only way that the politician such as Kamala Harris can make us do what she says.

    Without getting into a long diatribe about freedom and the purpose of the revolutionary war all I can say is that if we do not resist this ongoing effort to disarm us we will be sacrificing freedom for all generations to come.

  2. The minute they pass, I’m going start filing red-flag complaints against every police officer in Washington, D.C. and against every member of the Secret Service, FBI and CIA.
    Once those fuckers are disarmed, I think we’ll be ok.

    1. Exactly the strategy needed. Turn the tables.
      Everyone needs to identify every libturd gun owner in their community, and if/when these laws pass, start making phone calls.

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