Out Of Whole Cloth

Out Of Whole Cloth

Why would any country make the calculated decision to reward illegal immigration by granting the full privileges of citizenship to the children of illegals or foreign visitors who arrange to have the births take place on its soil?

As a matter of fact, “we” didn’t make such a decision.

The late Supreme Court Justice William Brennan invented the anchor-baby policy out of whole cloth and snuck it into a footnote of an opinion written in 1982. Yes, this ancient bedrock principle, this essence of “Who We Are,” dates all the way back to the Reagan administration.

The Brennan footnote was not part of the decision. It does not have the force of law. Yet, today, we act as if Brennan’s absurd dicta is the law of the land for no reason other than: a) sheer ignorance and b) a fear of being called “racist.”    Keep reading…………….

Justice Brennan’s Footnote Gave Us Anchor Babies | Human Events

The louder liberals talk about some ancient constitutional right, the surer you should be that it was invented in the last few decades. Democrats act as if the right to run across the border when you’re 8 1/2 months pregnant, give birth in a U.S.

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