

Turn and face the strange…

Fox News hiring Donna Brazile as a political analyst; and Fox News hiring Paul Ryan as one of the small group board members…. now takes on a new dynamic with the revelation that Fox News hired Joe Biden’s former chief-of-staff, Danny O’Brien, as their primary legislative lobbyist on K-Street.

Danny O’Brian now steps conveniently into the role of emissary between the Big Club and the DC political influencers, just as the Club prepares the landscape for Joe Biden.   keep reading….


4 thoughts on “Ch-ch-ch-ch-changes

  1. Disney acquired 20th Century Fox…..the plan is to “spin off” Fox News. But that hasn’t happened yet….
    and odds are it won’t in spite of the lies. With the acquisition there are now NO media outlets the commie don’t own. The left is NOT going to cede that stranglehold voluntarily. “FAIR AND BALANCED” is over.

  2. One America News Network. Just about the only news worth watching. I’ve hated Shep Smith for years, can’t stand the commies that Fox keeps pulling in, and refuse to listen to Wrong Williams, who couldn’t learn his lesson after he got shitcanned from NPR.

    I don’t mind Fox’s morning crew.

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