Aunt Becky

Aunt Becky

With all of the corruption taking place in Washington DC I fail to see the what the big deal is about a bunch of B-list celebrities getting caught trying to get their kids into an Ivy League school. I understand the need to stop fraud by the FBI/DOJ but little Jimmy getting into Stanford pales in comparison to what Hillary and Obama did.

If the justice department would have put as much effort into Uranium One as they did Varsity Blues we might actually have some accountability for the criminals in the previous administration, instead we get a bunch of overpaid actors and so called “elites” being embarrassed, paying a fine, and walking away with their tails tucked between their collective legs.  As far as I’m concerned this is a non story or worse yet, a shiny object to draw attention away from some other happenin’s in the news.

My main point here is this…..Aunt Becky and her ilks transgressions should be punished but compared to what Obama, Hillary, and their minions did, fraud doesn’t come close to treason.

That is all

2 thoughts on “Aunt Becky

  1. Unqualified rich kids use their parents’ money to get in to schools.

    Unqualified minority kids use Affirmative Action to get in to schools.

    Unqualified athletes use athletic scholarships to get in to schools.

    If we are going to cry about the first group, we REALLY need to look at how unfair the 2nd and 3rd groups are too!!!!!! Unqualified is unqualified, and in every case, takes a seat away from a more qualified student that didn’t get accepted!!!!!!!!!

  2. affirmative action is worse than anything these parents did. at least they are using their own money to get their kids into college. affirmative action not only allows unqualified “students” into college but the money is stolen from taxpayers to pay for their free ride.

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