D’Oh Canada

D’Oh Canada

I don’t get it. What the hell is Canada’s problem? Our southern border is none of their concern unless THEY want cheap foreign labor traveling across the US. If that’s the case I would gladly permit thousands of buses from Canada to pick up as many illegals currently flaunting our immigration laws and take them to the great white north. As a matter of convenience I would grant access to US border roads too load newcomers right out of the Rio Grande and save our border patrol from having to handle any of ’em.

As far as the comparison to the Berlin Wall, it’s obvious that whoever green lighted the adverts are so ignorant they don’t understand what the wall represented or it’s intended purpose……..or never took a history class. Well played CBCNews, your stupidity knows no bounds.

For all you liberal Canadians, feel free to jump in your car and come pick up a few illegals, preferably the rapists, MS-13 bangers, drug smugglers, traffickers, and please take all of the illegals infected with whatever third world diseases they are carrying, then drive promptly without delay out of our country. 

And in the future, please stay the fuck out of the United States business, our southern border does not concern you.


H/T Sundance for the pic & story

7 thoughts on “D’Oh Canada

  1. Canada is socialist…which is synonymous with communist. Commies EVERYWHERE act in concert to oppose freedom. IT’S WHAT THEY DO.

  2. 1: Berlin wall meant to keep freedom loving people IN.
    2: Southern border wall meant to keep criminals OUT.

    Fucking Justin Trudeau fact-twisting Socialist to the core.

  3. On behalf of the 1/3 of of Canadians that don’t agree with the signs you have my apologies. The other 2/3 are fucking idiots. Canada has an inferiority complex.

  4. That’s the Left for ya…easier to meddle in another’s business than fix your own shop from the self-made mess. Guess I won’t be going to Canmore/Banff for a visit this Summer…no loss actually, has the added benefit of avoiding calling the waitress the wrong pronoun and getting arrested for a hate crime.

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