Hell In A Handbasket
Every liberal media outlet is celebrating the election of two Muslim women to Congress — Ilhan Omar of Minnesota and Rashida Tlaib of Michigan. Since they both wear the traditional hijab, Nancy Pelosi will move to repeal a 180-year rule prohibiting head coverings on the floor of Congress.
Having escaped war-torn Somalia to come to America, was she grateful to live in a nation of peace and prosperity? No. She says upon arrival in America, she was confronted with “my otherness” as a Muslim and black. She and her family were granted asylum, and her first impression is the “otherness” she feels? She is exactly the kind of immigrant we do not need — a perfect ingrate.
She should have failed her citizenship test. In America, it is up to each individual to make the most of our gifts and abilities. Our Constitution secures our God-given freedom and fundamental rights. No one is “guaranteed” prosperity.
According to the New York Times, Omar “concluded that [America] was not the golden land that she had heard about.” Sorry we disappointed her. If America is not “golden” enough for her, she can return to the Somali hell from which she escaped. I remind her, Nancy Pelosi and the women of Congress that Islamic law enslaves women in a system of beating, rape, genital mutilation, honor killings and denial of education. Keep reading……
One thought on “Hell In A Handbasket”
Beginning to rethink my thoughts about these 2 Muslim women, right from the start they are showing their true intent about Islam and sharia law in America, perhaps they think they’ve won by being elected, they have not, being sworn in on the Koran shows no devotion to the Constitution, the truth of the action show’s pure devotion to the Koran and its meaning that a Muslim cannot serve a foreign government unless its to help organize its destruction from the inside: Islam: a theocracy that has its own legal/judicial system that APPLIES only to Muslims whereas the Constitution applies to everyone, which one would you rather live with?