Power Regardless of Cost

Power Regardless of Cost

No wall, because they gotta replace you uppity American voters with new ones who are willing to submit.

No wall, no matter how many American citizens have to die.

Every day that they refuse to allow the man we elected president to fulfill the most basic function of a national government – securing its national borders – they make a deliberate choice to accept more dead Americans. Oh, and more crime, poverty and welfare costs too. They are willing to let it all happen because their power means much, much more to them than your prosperity, your security, or your life.     keep reading…..

6 thoughts on “Power Regardless of Cost

  1. The democrat party has been taken over by the radical left and the left has never cared about people since it’s inception. I give you Stalin, Mao, Pol Pot, Castro, Kim x 3, and any other leftist you want including our own like Nazi Peloousy. Power is all they care about and in America today that means votes and votes are garnered by getting as many people on the dole as possible.

    1. The Democrats, Progressive and Liberals consider “White male Christian American Citizens” black mold that must be destroyed or at least contained in order to complete their mission. The have deemed Blacks, gays, Muslims and women as “victims” so as to split them from the Conservative herd. And they’ve done a pretty good job because they’ve discovered and have promoted the Achilles heel in 85% of all Americans: “Emotional thinking and instant-gratification” are the factors that motivate that 85% of the ordinary Americans. It’s ingrained in schools starting with kindergarten. No more are the 3-“Rs” the mainstay of early education. The 3-“Ss” have been substituted: Socialism, Societal-abnormality branded-victims and Social justice warrior indoctrination. The future will no longer be the land of the free.

  2. you would think those people would wise up and realize at this point they will be ensured of a permanent majority from 50 years of unchecked migration within 10 years at the latest and just cut out the legs from under trump with something like give him the wall for a path to citizenship for those already here. he says no and he’s the bad guy. he says yes and its a land rush to get in before the border is closed and everyone that makes it votes democrat.

  3. Go to the democrat socialist web site, read their agenda, these people are elected into office on lies and deceit, wake up American democrats, those you elect have no love for you and look out for America’s interest not at all, so I ask all democrats: what’s in your wallet? Is it empty? Have you worked before President Trump came into office? How’s that Obama care taking care of you as the working tax payer pays for your health care? Where’s your self respect while living in welfare state? From a hard working American: democrats will steal, lie. cheat to get what they want and you taking the democrat freebies are aiding and abetting them to continue the destruction of America.

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