

Fox News has decided to lay down with CNN and their attention whore Jim Acosta, supposedly on the principle of a free press.

Why would Jay Wallace have a problem with tone from Trump on this? Trump doesn’t have to call on anyone in particular but he gives Acosta oxygen by letting him ask questions, Acosta sets the tone, Trump responds accordingly. It’s called fighting back, with all of the shots that CNN and MSNBC take at Fox News and it’s anchors, you would think they would grow a pair and side with Trump.

Mr. Wallace just alienated a portion of their audience who support Trump, if ratings are the end game, Fox News just shot itself in the foot. Well played dumb ass.

11 thoughts on “Meh…..Principles

  1. That just proves what many have said all along, that all the media including the not far left are at their core leftist. Why do you think they call it “programming”?

  2. President trump should stop all his “News conferences” and put a big sign the press corps room: ” Please refer to my tweets”.

  3. This proves FOX has knuckled under to the liberal trash that is the rest of the media.

    At this point there is no source of news that is not biased to the left.

  4. Fox just made a huge mistake: people will boycott this move and the almighty dollar will shrink just like Target and Starbucks.

    Jim Acosta’s behavior was rude, self centered and President Trump does not put up with bad behavior and thats what this whole BS is about: Acosta’s behavior and his constant rudeness: actions have consequences.

  5. These self righteous people have forgotten their places. That is the president’s house and he should be respected just as if you were in a strangers house. This is not a debate this is dissemination of information from the administration to the american people. There is no more news people they are all commentator that seem to think we give a shit what they think. They need to shut the F##k up and report the news.

  6. Check out OAN. Their programming is limited and they’re way to the right, so they are biased as well, but at least it’s a break from the other big two or three, and they get and support Trump. If they get more viewers, content should get better. Right now they just have a few anchors/commentators they cycle through and repeat a lot.

  7. meanwhile, some judge says the president does not have the ability to remove individual press people if he believes they have abused his staff. that’s about the same as being told we have to support every illegal who wants to come over.
    usually drinking helps for things like this but then I sober it and its still the same crap that made me want to drink to forget

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