5 thoughts on “No More Mr. Nice Guy

  1. Another fantastic speech with a purposeful American message from a great American President. Thank you Mr. Trump. MAGA. Vote.

  2. put the troops on the border, halt the anchor babies and take the 14th admendment to the supreme court and see if we can go ahead and kick out everyone not born here.
    I’m down with it all. let’s stop the “pussygrabbing” and decide if we’re going to be the republic as founded or go full on socialist state.

  3. Was talking with a 20 something young woman yesterday on voting, she clearly was a democrat and she clearly was an example of how our education system has failed in our nation. This young woman when I mentioned socialism was clueless on what the word meant or its association with the democrat party.

    1. its not get the education system. my sister, who is an cpa , has 3 kids and manages the finances of a local family owned company who has assets exceeding 10 million easily; hates ted cruz and hated palin.
      she is much smarter than me yet doesn’t realize, not liking the gop’s social stances means you are choosing to vote your kids into a 3rd world USA in the future where the govt will just tax you out of any excess money you have because that’s how socialism works.

      1. Yes, its the education system and its the parents at home as well, people can be highly intelligent with zero common sense and the reverse is true as well, average intelligence but have a deeper common sense, I see this in my family as well.

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