7 thoughts on “As The World Burns

  1. Has legs like a millipede.
    Also: how did a package that was returned to sender for postage due show up on the same day as the ones delivered?
    How come an article was published at 10pm last night claiming that the fbi was looking for a package sent to Biden? How’d they know to look if it wasn’t identified yet?
    Why was sulfur used? It smells ( easily identified) but is only one part of gunpowder and not at all explosive on its own.
    Alice didn’t fall as far down this rabbit hole as this one goes.

  2. It really bothered me that CNN handled the ‘bomb’ and photographed it while waiting for police to arrive. If you actually thought it was dangerous I’d get far away from it and not handle it. They way they took selfies with it seems like they knew it wasn’t dangerous.

  3. Apparently another Arkancide caper.

    Looks like ole Debbie, who screwed up Hillary’s campaign in 2016 is getting some “payback”. HEH! 🙂

  4. it’s really sickening to see it reported everywhere that trump is bring the right wing to be like the pipe bomber.
    sorry, but trump and the hard right wing are just a reaction to the left pushing and pushing people that are tired of seeing the country they knew for decades now as wrong and a mistake.
    now, the bomber is nuts; but at some point there was going to be push back in which nuts like him wnet too far.
    the lack of civility by the left and tjeir elected leaders including the former president and the former democratic presidential candiadate have enabled the hard right

    1. I would not be surprised if some left nut tries to pass themselves off as a trumper and does an attack now.
      I am convinced the usa is spiraling down now and the left has been putting that in motion for years, going back to bush jr and probably even decades before. I do not know where the bottom is but I am sure the democrats are hoping it last until 2020 so they can run on it and put a nice totalitarian state in to assume where Obama left off, and I have no coubt some of them are enjoying watching it go down; bastards.

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