What If…..

What If…..

….and I’m just speculating here.

What if it is found that the bombs sent to democrats are fake and could never have exploded. Wouldn’t that seem like a lot to risk just trying to scare some politicians?

What if, on the other hand, they were actually sent by democratic operatives as a way to blame Trump or at least slow down his verbal attacks on the media and liberal candidates running in the mid-terms.

They have a feeling their getting their asses kicked after the Kavanaugh fiasco, could this be a way to drum up sympathy or fire up their base?

I give you Exhibit A:

Jake Tapper… had on an “expert” — Josh Campbell, I think — who asserted that catching the actual bomber was only the beginning of the case. He said we had to catch whatever man’s “toxic” rhetoric “inspired” the bomb-maker.

Jake Tapper nodded sagely.

They’re already building the case that, no matter who it really was, It Was Trump.

Would it be worth the risk for some crazy liberals to try and sway voters that could win a majority in either house…or both? Would it be worth the risk of pulling a stunt like that to possibly rid themselves of Trump?

Just sayin’…what if?

7 thoughts on “What If…..

  1. There’s no “what if”. There is no question that this is a democrat led attempt to distract from their failed invader caravan. They hoped the caravan would hurt republicans and it didn’t so to get the focus off of it and lessen the damage, this had to happen.

  2. The demonrats have only ONE RULE…..WIN. By any means necessary. That means these “bombs” are just ANOTHER onthe MANY actions and distractions the left and their media whore accomplices will be engaging in in the lead up to the midterms. Expect a “mass” shooting or two to happen in the next two weeks.

  3. It is almost certain that if it does turn out to be a democrat false flag, conceived and carried out by the democrats themselves, that absolutely NOTHING will happen to those responsible. They will be emboldened to step up a notch and goad conservatives into a shooting war.

  4. Kind of like the hit job on Kavanaugh. By the way, what happened to Ballsy-Ford? Haven’t heard from her since the testimony. It is if she just disappeared off the face of the earth never to be heard from again. Color me shocked.

  5. I’m with everyone here and just about everywhere i’ve looked. It’s no what if! Kavanaugh hearing backfired spectacularly. Army Division sized invasion force has also backfired spectacularly (um we already watched this plot in Europe a couple of years ago, no thanks) and the early voting is predicting the long awaited vanquishing of the Dems and the lamentation of their 33000 genders. They always overplay their hand. Had one, maybe two been sent they might have gotten some traction out of this but it’s about as believable as the gang-rape parties at prep school.

  6. The Arkancide squad tweet of the day:

    The FBI better look for Vince Forster since this “bomb maker” is currently residing next to him.

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