Enough is Enough

Enough is Enough

I’m not a lawyer and I don’t pretend to be one on TV but if I was Kavanaugh I would file libel suits RIGHT NOW against Ramirez and Avenatti. If Christine “Ballsy” Ford actually shows up tomorrow I would wait to hear her story, if she doesn’t show up or her story is shown to be a lie, file a suit against her, Dianne Feinstein, and every single person who slandered him including senators and the media.

That would stop this bullshit.

Michael Avenatti revealed Brett Kavanaugh’s 3rd accuser Wednesday morning–A woman named Julie Swetnick who has brought forth allegations of gang rape.

10 thoughts on “Enough is Enough

  1. Where oh where is this unwritten law that people in politics cannot sue their opponents for libel & slander???

    Does everything political opponents say and print carry some sort of miniscule asterisk indicating that this is ‘opinion only and may or may not be the truth’.

  2. This is a National Inquirer story. What bovine scatology. They’re not going to stop. Every few days a new accuser will appear. Even if he is confirmed, they will continue to refer to him as a “rapist”. They still go after Justice Thomas. They are low, slime bag, scum people. They don’t care what they do to someone. All for the cause.

  3. Suh, you slanduh, I say slanduh the Enquirer with that comment!

    And public figures, of which the Judge is one, have a very high bar to hurdle for a slander or libel suit. Still, it would be interesting.

  4. the solution is simple, loser pays. if the loser of court cases paid court costs and lawyer fees; all the slip and fall lawsuits and accusations like the ones on cav would stop immediately because the worthless pos’s doing this stuff could be sued for trying to take away his career on false accusations and would have to pay all costs.

  5. Many people I talk to see this perverted clown show as just one more reality TV series. Millions don’t think the outcome will mean anything more to them personally than another session of “Dancing with the Stars” and is not worthy of their concern. Seriously, a huge number of video game addicted, instant-gratification programmed Americans are so stupid they don’t know they’re stupid.

  6. Well, it’s the last Saturday in September, and now we’re going to have another FBI Investigation (TM).
    My question is this: If the FBI finds NOTHING to be true, and the accusers stick to their stories, will they be indicted on “Lying to the FBI”? Or is that law only for Republicans like Scooter Libby, or people who disagree with Democrats like General Mike Flynn (a Democrat, BTW)?

    1. Kavanaugh had the highest clearance possible under bush. if there was anything in his past, he never would have gotten it; he’s clean and this just well played by the dems to rile up the base for the mid terms.
      if trump had an actual serious doj and prosecuted just one of these dems the day after Kavanaugh is confirmed; the mid terms would be a red tidal wave.

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