9 thoughts on “Verbal Spanking

    1. Oh they get it alright. The Liberal shits are circling their “prey” like hungry wolves looking for an opening. They’re pissed off that Trump and staff are shoving it back in their faces when “Dubya” took it up the ass and didn’t say shit. He kept silent because Dubya’s part of the D.C. swamp. The press, including a few FoxNews types are like 5 year old autistic boys trying to get through a locked door. No matter how many times they bounce off they can’t comprehend the idea or reality that it won’t open. Meanwhile the real fat cat politicians of both parties are sitting back and waiting for 2024 when the “Outlander” runs out of terms. Then it’s back to business as usual in the Washington D.C. Beltway Political Club.

      1. I was more referring to the overall way in which we (the public) no longer view them as even neutral. By taking sides, hell, by leading a side, they have become the enemy, answering their own question regarding being viewed as the enemy.

        And, yes, Dubya played ‘nicey-nice’ with them for far too long, much to his detriment, and ours.

        It’s bad when the days of Hurst and yellow journalism can be viewed as the good old times.

  1. great answer but I have seen enough. as these “journalists” have no shame and many of them and the dem politician buddies are just stoking fires, I am now down with anyone that harasses a member of the trump admin in their personal life is arrested and gets a night in jail.
    trump is over the top and can be classless, but that doesn’t give anyone the right to harass the staff in their personal life.

  2. Two years ago, I knew of what was called the ‘deep state’ as the ‘bureaucracy’ but gave it no real concern.

    Now, 18 months into Trump’s presidency I see it for what it is. The media enablers of the deep state are vile, duplicitous hacks who like all liberals, are more worried about their skin than the truth or what is right. The worry about their skin arises from their interdependence on the deep state and the deep state’s dependence on the press. One is no good without the other.

    The sad reality is that most Americans are oblivious to the corruption in both the media and the government. They may be aware of it but do not know the depth of the evil that is comprised in both.

    The fake news is the state. It is not an enemy when it is an ally.

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