6 thoughts on “Chilling

  1. They all, including hitlery, thought she was gonna walk right in and get the Presidency . Thing of all the shit that would never have been brought to daylight if she had won. Even the media , in all its attempts to bury the stories, has failed.

    I do hope there is a long term game plan and we will be able to see it unfold. My god, how nice would it been to see these fuckers tried and convicted.

  2. If Trump was not elected this pick could have been Barack Obama. I’m very glad that it was not Merrick Garland

    1. you know Hillary would have nominated Obama and allowed him to have his opinions get a nationwide audience. too bad he would have to have his staff write them for him as its still debateable what he did in college.

  3. the left nuts are going crazy saying that back alley abortions are just are the corner now, seriously ? it took Obama four years to change the court enough so the apparent next justice kennedy, chief Roberts; nearly made socialized medicine legal, something that was considered anti American 25 years ago; but another conservative judge is going to send the country back to the stone ages ? jeez.

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