I Fought The Law…….

I Fought The Law…….

“De-policing should scare the hell out of every American,” Pomper writes. “Especially at this critical time when our enemies, ISIS and other Islamist terrorists – not to mention our own criminals – are, in the truest sense of the phrase, hunting Americans in the streets.” Why, he asks, “would the left engage in something so suicidal as marginalizing police officers at a time like this? Because ideology and politics trump all.” Bingo.

That politically correct ideology – identity politics – is force-fed even to the cops themselves. In Pomper’s own Seattle, for example, under a Race and Social Justice Initiative established several years ago, officers are required to attend social justice day camps where they are lectured about white privilege, minority victimhood, and “how unconsciously (and consciously) racist and bigoted cops are – especially white cops. Don’t even try to argue; to argue also means you are even more racist. The left isn’t interested in your point of view.” Similar programs have been instituted on other major cities across the country.    keep reading….

2 thoughts on “I Fought The Law…….

  1. The modern internet plus cellphones that provide the ability to record AND publicize the actions of LEO have opened the eyes of million so of people who in the past believed that LEO was good, was honest, was ‘on our side’. Now a day DOES NOT GO BY without a video ( or several) being uploaded demonstrating LEO committing violent abuses against the citizenry. They LIE, they STEAL, they PLANT EVIDENCE, they even commit MURDER. And the ‘system’ refuses to hold them responsible. It’s become quite apparent that this criminality and abuse of power is THE NORM for LEO.
    The only difference between now and the past is they cannot hide it so easily. THIS is why the constant push seen and heard to defang and declaw LEO. Because they are FAR AND AWAY a bigger threat to the health, happiness and LIVES of the ordinary citizen than ANY terrorist.

  2. Or, Grasshopper, they are doing what they can at the very fuzzy grey line in the time of darkness.

    In the “Gateway” city, decades ago, I was “busted” by plain-clothes generating “activity”. The voir dire is always entertaining, “What was the result of your case?” “I didn’t have any evidence, so they “loaned” me some, but I had to give it back, so the case was dimissed for lack of evidence.”

    I will never get to sit on a jury. Worse, our suburban community hired a retired super-cop from that Gateway. Now the game gets interesting.

    Poor puppy! Choose the best allies you can find. The coppers that pissed you off where either hired to do what they did or were doing the best they could. And/or, you are a dick who got what you deserved.

    Aim for the “source” and fix the problem or just shut up. You are just wasting space better used for pictures of luscious women.

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