California Dreamin’

California Dreamin’

But there are problems with using California as a role model, starting with the fact that California sucks. 

Oh, it doesn’t suck for rich guys living by the beach like Jack and his hipster buddies. California is pretty great for bros like him. But the guys who cut his lawn and wash his Tesla and feed his pet pandas, well, not so much. The article claims, “California Democrats actually cared about average citizens.” Yeah, uh huh. Drive 10 miles inland from the beach and California dreamin’ becomes California nightmarin’.

California is a bankrupt failed state that is essentially Illinois with palm trees and better weather. Outside the coastal urban enclaves where Jack and his pals mingle, drinking kombucha and apologizing for their white privilege to their baffled servants, it’s a crowded, decaying disaster. Bums wander the streets, littering the sidewalks with human waste. Crime is rising. Illegal aliens abound, more welcome in the Golden State than actual Americans. California is an example all right, but a cautionary one.   keep reading……


One thought on “California Dreamin’

  1. Trash, feces, urine, unwashed bodies, people sleeping on the streets: WOW, the liberal dream is alive and thriving in California and yet they are stupid enough to keep themselves in this situation because they keep voting for the same people who built this liberal dream of how government would take care of everyone and make California a utopia.

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