Trumps Achilles Heel

Trumps Achilles Heel

Trump has an Achilles heel, he want’s to be seen as a politician…..he’s not.

Politicians are the reason things are so fucked up in this country, Trump has an opportunity to change the way things get done in DC but instead he’s trying to act like a politician and that’s playing right into their hands, sitting down with the enemy and then having the audacity to agree with them is incredibly reckless.  Democrats don’t want bi-partisan agreements, they want their demands writ large, not a compromise with a man they detest with every fiber of their being.

If right leaning American voters wanted another feckless politician in the White House Jeb Bush would be President, squishy Republicans are red meat for Democrats because in reality they are all on the same team. They can play good cop bad cop depending what flavor is currently in the White House, it looks like they are fighting for their voters when in reality both sides are figuring out stupid ways to spend taxpayer money and become millionaires themselves with favors to the highest bidder. Trump was elected to put an end to politics as normal, not join in on the fun.

If President Trump can start acting more businessman Trump the opportunity for change is still there, if he insists on wining and dining the other side to prove he can reach across the isle then all is lost, including a 2020 re-election.

I have been pleasantly surprised with what Trump has accomplished in his first year only to have that optimism wiped out with one sit down with Democrats having a “discussion” on gun control. Democrats don’t care about bump stocks, they want all guns and it starts with a Republican President willing to throw them a bone, set the precedent then when another mass shooting occurs, (and it will regardless of restrictive gun laws), they follow the script and go for more guns.

President Trump needs to remember who Republican Candidate Trump was, the fire and brimstone of the campaign needs to be revisited in the White House. Sleeping with the enemy will only prove what the left has been calling him from day one, a crass uneducated buffoon who fooled millions into voting for him.

I hope he figures this out before it’s to late for us and for him.


8 thoughts on “Trumps Achilles Heel

  1. I’m in the wait and see mode. Trump says stuff that unhinges the base and it always seems to really whack the dems in the end as he out smarts them. Look at DACA, snatched that right out of the Dems talking points. Now he portrays the Dems as the bad guys who don’t wanna do anything for “these poor, poor DACA folks”.

    I think it is another end around.

  2. I disagree; this guy is playing these politicians like a fiddle. Frankly, I’m surprised that you’re even concerned after the way he’s twisted these fools into pretzels. He’s telling them what they want to hear and then pulling the rug out from under them each and every time. He’s playing chess; they’re playing checkers.

      1. So do I, Paulie.

        I love the Trumpmeister, especially when he plays “wack-a-mole” with the Demo-rats like Pelosi, Feinstein and Schumer. They are such ignorant hateful, pompous assholes and Trump shows them to Americans for what they really are.

  3. Trump has not caved. This is Trump being Trump. Go back to the DACA negotiations. He
    knew full well that the donks would not budge from their total amnesty stance and they
    would never go along with the border wall. He predicted their every move, up to and
    including their filibustering the DACA deal. Trump knew they would pay a terrible
    price in November if they voted for DACA!

    He has two modes; One is the car salesman who starts out high and allows the customer
    to dicker him down to the price he had in mind from the beginning of the negotiations.
    Most end up paying more than MSRP but get bragging rights. “Honey, I just got back
    from the car dealer and boy did I screw him!” The other mode is what we saw in the
    DACA negotiations. Promise them the moon if you know they will not accept any

    This man is a world class deal maker. He puts C.W. Womphopper and Cal Worthing to
    shame. Nobody gets the better of him in a deal. You cannot bluff him, you cannot
    threaten him, and you cannot ever beat him in a negotiation.

    1. Agreed! Trump is the master fiddle player and he has fine tuned his instrument.
      BTW, it was Cal Worthington. Used to see his car commercials all the time, with his various animals and such.

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