Out Of Touch Out Of Mind

Out Of Touch Out Of Mind

I listened to that, silver spooned, Carmex mouthed, ginger Joe Kennedy III lecture whoever was listening about how the country is going to hell in a handbasket under Trump. Well young man…….shut the fuck up.

Your delusional out of touch rhetoric ignores what’s actually happening right now right in front of your elitist ivy league nose.

You have never struggled financially or have ever worried about how your going to attend college or how in the hell you’re going to find a job during a devastating recession caused by your party and their politicians, you will never know what us normal’s think.

You and your pathetic ilk is exactly why we have a President Trump and if you’re the type of politician the democrats are tossing in the ring for 2020, get ready for another four years of Trump.

You spoke Spanish in your SOTU rebuttal and threatened to tear down any wall that’s built on the southern border, yeah that’s the kind of talk that will sway rust belt voters away from Trump. Fucktard.


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