3 thoughts on “Nothing Left

  1. the lucky ones are the ones that are 65 or older and have money.

    if you’re under 65, even if you saved and budgeted or were financially successful or inherited money, when enough others need your money; they’ll vote it from you or just come and take it.

    maybe not in 5 or even 20 years but it’s going to suck for everyone at some point.

  2. When the Mrs. and I first started making our own bratwurst, we could get pork for 79 cents a pound. That was in 2009.. Three years later, it was $1.19 a pound. The cheapest pork we can find now is $1.79 a pound, and we have to add fat to it, which costs even more.

    That means in less than ten years, the cost of the pork we use to make sausage more than doubled. Most other items have also gone up in price.

    We can barely afford to save as it is. The next couple of years are going to break a lot of people.

  3. For some people this is true……they simply don’t make enough to pay for needs let alone save. But in reality the majority of those who do not save any money the reason is poor self control. They choose to buy Starbucks….sometime EVERY DAY….money that should go into savings but instead goes to a caffeine habit. They buy the latest iPhone every time a new model comes out, they buy a new car when they could get several more years out of their existing model. In short the majority of non savers are in that category because of stupidity. They believe the bullshit advertisers target them with and willingly play the “keeping up with the Jones” game.

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