Turkey Day Eve

Turkey Day Eve

Went to work this morning, plenty of coffee by 11:00, computer went down at 11:30, spent half hour on hold for internet provider tech support, was told a tech would be at my office between 12:30 and 4:30, it was 5:00 when I gave up waiting and return call to tech support was a non starter.

Wanted to have a short day, that didn’t work out, start of four day weekend, start of new bottle of wine.


One thought on “Turkey Day Eve

  1. well here’s why you can blame the whole day on tech support.

    I am primarily a programmer but job duties also involve support and yesterday I was determined to do no work after driving to work and finsing by the traffic I was one of the few who went, so I resolved no issues all day, just returned emails.

    I am quite sure I am not the only support person that mailed it in yesterday.

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