Call It What IT Is

Call It What IT Is

Fully assimilated man of Middle Eastern decent loses control of rented van. 

Low IQ barbarian who happens to be a Radical Islamic Terrorist kills innocent Americans. 

DeBlasio and Cuomo still can’t utter the words.

This should NEVER be the new normal.

4 thoughts on “Call It What IT Is

  1. Until the people, all the people wake up and stop this PC crap and call it what it is: terrorism and remove Islam from our nation it’s not going to stop. The left has proceeded to strangle the common sense voice which means we the people who understand the Islamic issue must endure this BS by the left, even President Trump needs to wake up & really see the Islamic issue within our nation and stop looking overseas and commenting their issues with Islam.

  2. It’s not going to stop. The country has shifted too far to the emotional, coexist left for the “final solution” to be put in place.

    Ya got advanced cancer in the body and the liberals will demand every single cancer cell be destroyed ASAP. Ya got lots cancer ideology turds in the society and they want to embrace and make excuses for them.

    That’s the “New Now” folks, get use to it.

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