This Is Getting Old

This Is Getting Old

I don’t know how Trump can keep his composure. The latest kerfuffle comes from a phone call Trump made to the widow of a fallen soldier, I’m not going to quote what was purportedly said by Trump, you can read it here, but apparently congresswoman Frederica Wilson knows and smeared Trump with it.

Let me get this straight, a democrat congresswomen, who hates Trump with every fiber of her being, tells a tale of a phone conversation that she was not a part of that disparages Trump and makes him seem uncaring for a fallen soldier and his widow. I call bullshit. I also think that if Trump can prove what was said in the phone conversation, and it isn’t what the congresswoman is stating, he should set in motion her immediate removal from congress.

This is all getting very old. It seems lefty politicians and the media can say whatever they want and their are no repercussions. It’s high time that someone is made an example of. 

And another thing, who in their right minds elects these people?  


7 thoughts on “This Is Getting Old

  1. Which of those two idiotic looking creatures is Frederica? Why does it seem every black Democrat is a fucking moron? Resist we much!!

  2. seen on Zero Hedge:
    the Trollmaster waits until all the wild accusations break onto the rocks on shore.

    Then, Boom. The taped conversation shows he behaved as a classy, compassionate guy.

    Congress critter crawls back to dungheap district with “no comment” for a comment.

    pick any trump tweetstorm. check the timeline.

    Trump takes on some sacred cow with a tweet/shot.

    beep beep. the roadrunner trump takes off near light speed to the next target.

    along lopes the media coyote jumping in to make the kill. All media coyote gets is a handfull of dust where the bird once was.

    Or – like with the NFL – off the cliff into a puff of smoke below.

    Beep beep! on to the next one.

    Trollmaster will tweet something about rocket man’s hilarious mushroom hairdoo proving he’s in deep shit and in the dark… seconds after releasing the phone recording that hopelessly discredits congo-resswoman for the rest of all time.

    media is worse than squirrel jumping mutts. they are the always-losing coyote.

    Meanwhile, trump is on track to nominate 150 federal judges using the Reid Nuclear rule. HAHAHA

    I need more popcorn.

  3. He said …. she said: of course the left sides with her even though she was not present during the call, her minute of fame will go up in flames: turn a deaf ear people nothing to hear here.

  4. Negros are still in chains. The liberal Democrats are the slave masters using their pickannie’s emotional spasms to the hilt. Stupid is as stupid does. when are these take-a-kneegrow people going to realize they’re being played?

  5. to answer your question, the same idiots who were given the right to vote in 1963. ever since blacks were given the right to vote the standard for America has fallen every election cycle. thanks to the voting rights acts we now have the most ignorant congress in history.

  6. Hey ! give her a break, she’s apparently the first transgender congressperson by the looks of her.

    more seriously though, you never saw her before and she apparently been throw crap at trump for a while, but she was finally able to land a punch; so she’s on primetime. very typical.

    think i’ll go to the local news station and tell them ted cruz groped me at a gop fundraiser, ought to get a free trip to new York out of it.

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