The Two Party Blame Game

The Two Party Blame Game

In fairness to the GOP, their model has worked for a long time. Going back to 1994, they have controlled Congress for all but four years. They blame that short interlude on the Iraq war and Bush. Otherwise, their game of lying to the voters on the campaign trail and then voting like Democrats in Washington has worked, but this may be different. Trump is the warning shot to the party and Washington. Those millions of GOP voters who have stuck it out, trying to make the system work for them, may just throw in the towel. _ The Zman

One thought on “The Two Party Blame Game

  1. if the rhino’s don’t get their stuff together and start keeping the promises they made to their base. WE THE PEOPLE are quite likely to with draw our support. not only will we not vote for more of the same, we will vote to MAKE IT BURN by voting in the most radical leftists on our ballot. if they want Venezuela, we will give them Venezuela.

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