Government Created The Healthcare Mess And You Expect Them To Fix It?

Government Created The Healthcare Mess And You Expect Them To Fix It?

Every time government gets involved in our lives it takes a slice for itself. Bureaucrats create administrative oversight requirements (more government agencies and workers) and more data requirements to be reported back to these agencies. More overhead. And so big government was both a primary cause and a primary beneficiary of the system we have today.


Despite all the debate in DC and the media about the national healthcare crisis, the status quo serves all players except one — the public. The Beltway bloviates about affordability but ignores the basic question: Why does healthcare cost so much? Where are the initiatives to lower high healthcare costs?


As the healthcare segment grew, it became an increasingly important source of campaign contributions. In the 2016 election cycle in round numbers at least $500 million from healthcare and health insurance interests went into campaign coffers. A growing healthcare segment of our economy is a growing source of campaign contributions. An example of the quid pro quo was the ACA’s “risk corridors”. At the public’s expense, participating insurance companies were protected by government against financial losses. Insurance companies — experts at managing risk — pulled a fast one in managing their own risk by transferring it to big government (and more specifically, taxpayers).     Here….


3 thoughts on “Government Created The Healthcare Mess And You Expect Them To Fix It?

  1. There cannot be any reduction in medical-insurance costs or the cost of medical products and services while government is involved in them in any way. The cost explosion in medical care and products began with the exclusion of employer-provided medical insurance from one’s taxable income. It accelerated with Medicare, and then again with Medicaid. Every increment to those programs made matters worse. The “Affordable Care Act” was the final nail in the coffin — and it was deliberately designed to make privately paid-for medical care and medical insurance unaffordable. “Single payer” was always the destination in mind; the ACA was merely a way station.

    Get a Democrat legislator drunk enough and he’ll admit it.

  2. obamacare was a genius move for the elected officials of both parties. the democrats cement in govt healthcare and the gop gets to whine and bitch all the way back to power knowing they cant get rid of it because too many people now live off of it.
    at the same time, it starts up solving the problem of all those costly seniors and people with expensive medical conditions that cannot pay.
    sure, the govt will pay now; but in the future, procedures and medicines will be denied more and more as the govt starts cost cutting.
    so, the future now is shorter lifespans, more people bankrupt by healthcare as govt increases costs of everything healthcare related and richer insurance companies and deeper pockets of congress from those insurance companies.
    the people were played by both sides from day one.

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