Mac Attack

Mac Attack

NPR was interviewing John McEnroe, he was asked about Serena Williams ability;

Garcia-Navarro: We’re talking about male players but there is of course wonderful female players. Let’s talk about Serena Williams. You say she is the best female player in the world in the book.

McEnroe: Best female player ever — no question.

Garcia-Navarro: Some wouldn’t qualify it, some would say she’s the best player in the world. Why qualify it?

McEnroe: Oh! Uh, she’s not, you mean, the best player in the world, period?

Garcia-Navarro: Yeah, the best tennis player in the world. You know, why say female player?

McEnroe: Well because if she was in, if she played the men’s circuit she’d be like 700 in the world.

Garcia-Navarro: You think so?

McEnroe: Yeah. That doesn’t mean I don’t think Serena is an incredible player. I do, but the reality of what would happen would be I think something that perhaps it’d be a little higher, perhaps it’d be a little lower. And on a given day, Serena could beat some players. I believe because she’s so incredibly strong mentally that she could overcome some situations where players would choke ’cause she’s been in it so many times, so many situations at Wimbledon, The U.S. Open, etc. But if she had to just play the circuit — the men’s circuit — that would be an entirely different story.

Ms. Garcia-Navarro (Lulu) is twisting women’s equality around on McEnroe. She gets him to expand on the greatness of Serena then bitch slaps him with the gender card. McEnroe didn’t see it coming, he didn’t see it because it’s a trap, a trap the left has been using for years. 

Any clear thinking individual knows the difference between men and women, even Serena herself, in an interview with liberal intellectual giant David Letterman, said she couldn’t compete with the boys.

“Actually it’s funny, because Andy Murray, he’s been joking about myself and him playing a match. I’m like, ‘Andy, seriously, are you kidding me?’ For me, mens’ tennis and womens’ tennis are completely, almost, two separate sports. If I were to play Andy Murray, I would lose 6-0, 6-0 in five to six minutes, maybe 10 minutes. No, it’s true. It’s a completely different sport. The men are a lot faster and they serve harder, they hit harder, it’s just a different game. I love to play women’s tennis. I only want to play girls, because i don’t want to be embarrassed. I would not do the tour, I would not do Billie Jean [King] any disservice. So Andy, stop it. I’m not going to let you kill me.”

But once again the left attacks an “old white guy” in McEnroe and gets their pound of flesh. The media is jumping on this like McEnroe is a dumb cracker who doesn’t understand gender equality, well, gender equality is a myth.

Ok ladies, try throwing a baseball from the warning track to home plate, run the 100 against Usain Bolt, tackle a 240 pound NFL running back out of the backfield. That’s why genders are not equal. How about doing iron work on a high rise, laying concrete pipe for storm drain, hell try nailing off plywood on a roof of a new home, I guarantee you a man can work circles around a woman.

So just stop with the bullshit! Serena Williams, greatest women’s tennis player ever. It’s not a slight to put “women’s” in there. 

It’s just another way for the left to stir up controversy and get their agenda front and center. Social media has taken the bait turning McEnroe into a “sexist” which is like being called “racist” but with chicks, which is the preferred method of  the left when smearing someone.

McEnroe was doing an interview, being kind and speaking graciously about Serena, now he’s a sexist. It’s A Fucking Trap.


3 thoughts on “Mac Attack

  1. The Feminazis get to pick their targets and go for the soft ones every time. How come we hear nothing but silence regarding the Muslim treatment of women. Like stoning them to death for being raped while the rapist is treated as a hero. like the Islamic ideological doctrine that says it’s OK to enslave, rape and eventually kill Infidel women.

    McEnroe is 100% correct in stating the obvious, undeniable difference in physical abilities between men and women.

    Feminazis are like the typical bullies. They stomp on easy targets while keeping their distance from ones which might bite them on the ass.

  2. Pingback: McIng On The Left

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