Righteous Fury

Righteous Fury

Britain should avenge their dead by removing ALL Muslims from their country, as Ripley say’s in Aliens, “It’s the only way to be sure”. Not having Muslims in your country thinking up ways to murder your people is “the only way to be sure”. And if they hit the country from afar, don’t be afraid to go with the nuclear option.

For every one of yours take 100,000 of theirs, it’s the only thing these savages understand.


“We shrug. We see it again and again as our people are slaughtered and we simply act like it was all somehow inevitable. That mass murder on our soil is something we just have to get used to.


We know who they are and we know what they want. But the suicide squad that is our elite would rather prove its virtue to its emasculated self by placing its weird multicultural fetish above our kids’ lives. We elect a president who wants to slow down the influx of refugees so we have a chance to figure out who the hell they are and our elite rushes to credulous courts that manufacture sanctimonious legal reasoning out of whole cloth to ensure that our people are kept defenseless.


So elite multi-cultis can feel good about themselves. Our lives are a small price to pay for their smug.”    Keep reading….


3 thoughts on “Righteous Fury

  1. “We shrug. We see it again and again as our people are slaughtered and we simply act like it was all somehow inevitable. That mass murder on our soil is something we just have to get used to.”

    Think: Nazis “final solution”

  2. Totally agree, the UK actually has the best chance to survive the muzzies as it can go survivor and kick them off their islands. the rest of Europe will be fighting them to get them out as they keep streaming in like cockroaches for over 100 years easily.

  3. Allowing muslims to be in your country is akin to allowing burglars to live in your house and not doing anything until they steal something.

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