Throwing Money At Public Education Proves A Waste……

Throwing Money At Public Education Proves A Waste……

……teachers unions and school administrators disagree. Congratulations Democrats.


A recent investigation shows that in six different schools in Baltimore not a single student was able to score proficient on statewide tests for either English or math. This horrific performance is despite the fact that Baltimore schools spend $16,000 per student which is the fourth-highest spending per student in the United States.


The fact that the schools in Baltimore perform so horribly despite receiving one of the highest amounts of funds per student flies in the face of the common liberal arguments that their schools do poorly because of a lack of funding. In fact, astudy by The Heritage Foundation found that there has been no significant increase in school performance despite massive increases in spending.    here….

6 thoughts on “Throwing Money At Public Education Proves A Waste……

  1. We had a small elementary school in our neighborhood that served the needs of the kids here well. Our neighborhood (and town) became more and more Hispanic over the last several years, and for whatever reason, a lot of Hispanic kids were being bussed in from all over the area to come here. The students who lived here had to go to class in trailers set up around the main building. They’ve since rebuilt this school and it is the size of a small apartment complex. I haven’t heard anything yet about test scores but, hey, diversity and all.

  2. The Liberal Democrats who run cities don’t give a shit if the little brats learn anything as long as they vote Democrat when the reach 18 that’s all that matters.

  3. Most democrats don’t want kids to learn critical thinking. People who can think for themselves tend to question authority and the media. Public school is about teaching kids to parrot what they are taught.

  4. was listening to a local talk station and some guy was talking about the street he lived on. there were 14 houses, in one lived a teacher and in the other 11 where school administration; WTH ?

    that’s why kids do not learn anything and your school taxes keep going up, just like everything else in govt, there’s about 1 person working out of 14 that your taxes are paying for.

    when the bond market has had enough of this fantasy and financial reality hits all these people, there’s going to be about a week of serious violence when all these people that don’t do anything get fired, but about a week later it will all be better because they will have starved to death because they like cant live without the govt spoon feeding them paychecks to do nothing.

  5. This is the very reason so many parents are home schooling their children, public schools have gone to crap and we the people who have no children in school still pay in our taxes to keep schools who perform poorly open, how about we start taxing parents whose children are doing poorly to pay for that education, overhaul is what needs to be done and get the feds out of education.

  6. Wonder what the parents expected the kids to turn out like when they voted for third world education tactics which were used on their third world feral brats. Ability to reason, comprehension skills, critical thinking,logic, money management, effective communication or self-discipline? Then i remembered the parents are just like the kids only in older and more self abused bodies. What a dammed waste of resources.

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