There Are No Laws

There Are No Laws

Being a good American assumes a moral code of conduct, a trust that my neighbors won’t break into my house, won’t harm my family, and won’t get in the way of my right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. It’s been a moral standard that has served America well for 240 years. That contract has been breached by the very people who should be held to the highest standard of that code.


There are no laws.obama_smug

Obama has done more in eight years to get around the laws of this country than any president before him. Illegal Immigration, Obamacare, Benghazi, Fast & Furious, Solyndra, Arab Spring, Syria, Iran Deal, Shovel Ready Jobs, Unemployment, Transgender Bathrooms, The VA, and the list goes on.



There are no laws.hrc-on-the-hill

If Hillary can get away with what she has done and wins the Presidency then my social contract with society means nothing. The woman has a laundry list of scandal longer than anything Obama has done, if she would have won in 2008, Americas dire situation may have been significantly worse.


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The FBI, the prime federal law enforcement agency, has been rendered useless by the Clinton regime. FBI Director James Comey read off a myriad of laws broken or at least bent by Hillary Clinton, then promptly recommends no charges. Verbally spanking Hillary for being “extremely careless” is like putting a kid in time out, it doesn’t work….it’s a spare the rod spoil the child kinda thing.

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The DOJ, responsible for enforcing the law and defending the interests of the United States has done just the opposite. It was bad enough we had to endure Obama boot licker Eric Holder, but Loretta Lynches relationship with the Clintons and her meeting with Bill on a tarmac in Phoenix contradicts what her damn job is, the DOJ is now just the enforcement arm of the White House.

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The IRS, EPA, GSA, DOE, etc……the debacle that is/was Lois Lerner and her minions shows all of these alphabet agencies being weaponized to attack innocent people and businesses to prop up a progressive agenda. It didn’t matter that laws were broken shut down the opposition. Evidence proved laws were broken but not one person lost their job and Ms. Lerner retired with her federal pension intact. Go down the list of theses various agencies and you see the same thing, a government out of control with zero accountability.

There are no laws.



9 thoughts on “There Are No Laws

  1. The social contract between the US government and it’s people works both ways. If the government is no longer bound by it, then neither are the people.

  2. Hate to say it gang, but America is doomed. Revolt is not on the table. How many Conservative, Constitutional defenders, home owners, family people, working slobs are going to put their lives on the line? You know the police and military are going to “take orders” from their commanders so any insurrection will be met with brute force.

    The American democracy has had a good 200+ year run, but it’s coming to an end. The American Liberal Progressives take their marching orders from the Global Progressives. Europe is gone, the Middle-East is gone and Africa never was. The Muslim zombies are on the march and the Progressives are sitting in the balcony waiting for the final scene to play out and the fat lady to sing.

  3. Intresting to see you use a quote from Lincoln in a post about no laws

    Talk about a lawless polctian. America’s 1st tyrant had men jailed with out bail, charges or court dates, tried to have a supreme Court justices arrested, deported a congressman, shut down newspapers…. not to mention an illegal aggressive war of genocide to collect tax revenues

    1860 and Lincoln is when the rule of law died in the usa

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