Alt-Right It Is

Alt-Right It Is

The fact that natural conservatives have been given the name “Alt-Right” by the people who ain’t, is all you need to know about American politics in 2016. Democrats and their lap dog media need a name for the enemy. “Deplorable” is a chuckle for intellectually elite, but has a negative connotation when coming from, say, Megan Kelly.

“Tea Party Types” is fine for the media but when Republicans started campaigning as Tea Party candidates the lines got fuzzy. Ted Cruz really was a Tea Party candidate, where as Mitch McConnell laughably was not, yet he still did his best to convince Republican voters he held the same convictions as Cruz.

The old standard “Right Leaning Republican”  went out the window years ago because the line from dead zero to far right nut job had expanded due to the betrayal of voters by their elected leaders. You can’t be “right leaning” when the guy you put in office climbs in bed with Democrats, your true north starts moving right quickly.

So Alt-Right it is, even if you read that it assumes racism. My question would be, what in the hell isn’t racism anymore? The grievance industry has labeled beige band-aids racist. If your white and not a liberal, walking down the street apparently makes you a racist. If you read wiki’s description:

The alt-right is a segment of right-wing ideologies presented as an alternative to mainstream conservatism in the United States.[1][2] It has been described as a movement unified by support for Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump,[3][4] as well as by opposition to globalism, immigration, multiculturalism andpolitical correctness.[2][5][6]


The alt-right has no formal ideology, although various sources and alt-right figures have stated that white nationalism is fundamental to the movement.[1][2][7] It has also been associated with white supremacism,[3][8][9]anti-Islamism,[10]antifeminism,[1][6]antisemitism,[1][2][11]ethno-nationalism,[12]right-wing populism,[7]nativism,[13]traditionalism,[14] and the neoreactionary movement.[8][14][15]

They got the first part right, but then someone edited/associated it with white supremacy. You see…we can’t win the argument because the label has already been stamped…so be it.
If you want to label me here is what you can hang your hat on, small government, fiscal responsibility,  anti-globalist, anti-“Illegal” immigration, and anti-political correctness. If your’e gay be gay, black be black, muslim be muslim, mexican be mexican, but you can’t be militant about it. If you are allowed into the U.S., assimilate.

The problem is it’s to late, progressive liberals have already opened Pandora’s Box, Black Lives Matter knows it can meet in the White House, Muslims know they are oppressed because, you know, terrorists, mexicans know they can cross the border illegally and be called Dreamers instead of criminals. If being upset about this makes me a racist bigot, or politically in-correct then I have no where to run….it is what it is….Alt-Right.

Hillary is slinging the term around like a dead cat lately clobbering her base in the head so it will sink in that republican voters are nothing short of the KKK or a new Nazi party. You see now that she has the enemy labeled she can pigeon hole them. Alt Right isn’t right of center, it doesn’t encompass Obama’s RHINO pals and #nevertrumpsters, it put’s us in her basket of deplorables without actually insulting us in her stump speeches. If she used the term Islamic Terrorism with as much disdain as she uses Alt-Right, terrorists might actually have something to worry about.

The media now has a name it can run with. They can tag Trump voters with Alt-Right and it doesn’t matter whether these people agree on Trump or not. The media thinks all Trump voters just backed their trucks out of the trailer court, grabbed a cold pack of beer and smokes then headed to the Trump rally. The media is not concerned with the fact that some of the Alt-Right are successful business people who just want strong leaders that won’t take a hand job from Nancy Pelosi for a high speed rail vote.  

The line going right has expanded, it’s taken in the people who voted Romney/Ryan with the people who just grabbed the cold pack, we had no choice. The Mitch McConnells and Jon Boeners of the GOP started this, now it’s time to finish it, even if it means Trump.

So grab your buddies from the trailer court, the high rise office, the summer home, or wherever and be “Alt-Right”, it’s OK, the democrats have been sticking together for decades, maybe it’s high time we learned from their lesson tactics.

3 thoughts on “Alt-Right It Is

  1. Old and busted: Vast Right Wing Conspiracy
    New hotness: Alt-Right

    The goal will be to lump all of the Sec. Hillary Clinton’s enemies into this group, discredit the group, ignore all cases where the group is correct, and defend her from all criticism based on the idea that the criticism will be called a “personal attack from the Alt-Right”.

  2. The grievance industry also listed snow as racist. When it falls it is nice and pretty and white. However after a few hours as cars drive through it, it turns dirty and brown and ugly. How more racist can it get?

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