A Bumper Crop Of Clinton’s

A Bumper Crop Of Clinton’s

I didn’t watch the debate. I watched the 2014 documentary of “Arnie” on the golf channel, the story of Arnold Palmer’s life. I would switch over to the debate during commercials and was confounded at how stupid these people looked compared to a great man who did nothing but good in his life. 

Arnold didn’t come from money, quite the contrary, he needed a sponsor to start out on the PGA tour. He built an empire by himself, learned how to fly his own plane, has hospitals named after him and his late wife. He started the Golf Channel, paved the way for sports superstars to make money other than the sport they play. He never made over $50,000 for any tournament he won including the Masters.

Hillary is a parasite that has made millions living off the taxpayer and laundering money through a bogus foundation. Trump is an ego maniac who got started in business with inherited money. I think Trump loves his country because the system has been very good to him, I think Hillary seeks power, power to move pawns across a warped chess board and in the process enrich herself and her ilk.
Arnold Palmer just wanted to play golf and raise his family, his celebrity came from being honest and humble. He had a swagger but it was confidence in how he played, not because he thought he was the better of people behind the ropes, and that’s what ingratiated him with his fans.

It seems like we are running out of Arnold Palmer’s but we have a bumper crop of Clinton’s, look no further than the parasites infesting DC, and that my friends is a sad state of affairs.


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