The Slow Burn

The Slow Burn

Here we go again.

Thanks to Barack Obama and Her Majesty Queen Hillary, we have another city being torched due to their spineless approval of the Black Lies* Matter crowd, (not a typo *). From Trayvon, Freddie, Brown, and now Kieth Scott they have been backing the wrong horse. In each instance the officers or individuals confronting the thugs have been exonerated. In this particular case the officer who shot Kieth Scott was black, and apparently a wonderful person.

Brentley Vinson is everything that Scott isn’t. The son of a police officer, Brentley dreamed of following in his father’s footsteps. He used to organize his football team’s bible studies and mentored younger players. Former teammates describe him as a “great guy” with “good morals.” His former coach calls him a “natural leader” and says that, “We need more Brent Vinsons… in our communities.”

But the truth doesn’t matter, Hillary and her democratic minions need the black vote to get her elected, they will turn their collective backs on the truth to gain the presidency, and that’s the scary thing. DEMOCRATS ARE WILLING TO DO WHATEVER IS NECESSARY TO HOLD POWER, even if that means harming innocent Americans. That is as simply put as it can be.lynch

Loretta Lynch, the head of the DOJ, sides with the protesters before any of the facts about the shooting have been announced. She should have been warning protesters that any looting or violence will be met with arrests but she instead she “feels their pain”. Disgraceful at best, incompetent at worst. She basically rubber stamps the riots, just as she did in Baltimore, long before the facts are out or an investigation is complete.screen-shot-2016-09-23-at-2-39-35-pm

Below, Hillary is meeting with Black Lives Matters so called leaders, (Obama had them at the White House), you can see douche bag DeRay McKesson across from Hillary. By meeting with these people you acknowledge their existence when in fact, they are a nothing. They are not a non-profit, they build nothing, they are not a business, and they create chaos, they are just like the occupy thugs.


All of this ass kissing does nothing to promote public safety, it just encourages civil disobedience. Anyone who feels like they have been the victim of some perceived injustice can now simply form a group, give themselves a name, and call on the bleeding heart left to back their cause for a vote. It is insanity but it works, Black Lives Matter have been given over 100 million to date, 33 million from a Soros

It’s not a fair fight, then you toss in the liberal media and the TRUTH is tossed in the trash. This little nugget from the New York Times ignores the fact that Scott had a gun, even though the black officer who shot Kieth and the black chief of police said he did.screen-shot-2016-09-24-at-5-00-40-pm

All of this pits black against white, it sets race relations back decades, and endangers innocent Americans who had nothing to do with the shooting. It’s an American tragedy that will not end well.

Sitting there watching their antics, I felt a bit of rage welling up. All this effort to be a public nuisance, to make demands on me, and yet they put little to no effort into managing their lives. Even if they have a claim, harassing drivers on their way home is not going to win them any friends. They have to know it, which means they are not there on the street corner with good intentions. They are there explicitly to be a public nuisance. They just like hassling white people, purely out of racial animus. here…

One thought on “The Slow Burn

  1. So the DOJ is sending people to Charlotte. BFD! You can bet the ranch that most, if not all of them, will be black. And their “findings”, if there are any factual “findings”, will be dictated by the sycophantic toady Attorney General, Loretta Lynch. And it goes without saying that her edicts will be dictated by MullaH Obama.

    It will be pretty much the same as FBI Director Comey giving Hil-LIAR-y a pass and Cheryl Mills and others immunity. Loretta Lynch is calling the shots which are dictated by Mullah Obama.
    Hopefully, there will be an end to all this corruption when Trump takes the White House in January. But, be assured that Mullah Obama will pardon the entire gang of criminals by the end of the year. Those will include Hil_LIAR-y, Loretta Lynch, Eric Holder, Scary Harry Reid, and Pinocchio Pelosi, just to name a few.

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