Outrage Is Useless

Outrage Is Useless

Yes, they are evil and devious enough to foment a race war to destabilize American society.  Yes, they are evil and devious enough to expose our children to pedophiles lurking in bathrooms, pretending to be sexually indeterminate.  Yes, they are evil and devious enough to import terrorists under the guise of humanitarianism to randomly commit acts of terror to frighten and disrupt society.  Yes, they are evil and devious enough to encourage racial animosity on the southern border for all of the reasons above.


It does no good to spend valuable time and energy trying to expose these acts.  They are doing it, they know what they are doing and those remaining on their side of the argument are anxious to see them succeed.  Time and energy would much better be spent preparing to defend oneself and their kin from the final revelation.  Your outrage is useless unless it is turned inward and used to bolster resolve.  Stop fighting every skirmish and prepare for the war.    here….

obama-snob hillary

6 thoughts on “Outrage Is Useless

  1. I used to be outraged because I was still in denial that the country I grew up in is gone and is not coming back, but I’ve accepted it now.
    now, I just enjoy the decline and especially watching the same people that voted this crap in thinking it would make things better for them face the worst of things to come.

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