

In what what part of the United States are you chased down by and assaulted by people waving a flag from another country? If the roles were reversed there would be wailing and gnashing of teeth by the left. Obama blames the white kid for being a Trump supporter..



It is unacceptable that a young white kid should have to run for his life or fear of a beating or worse. Liberals have turned California into an unrecognizable part of the country and it’s spreading like a virus throughout the nation. It has to be stopped by law or by force and I don’t think that day is far off.


New Federal Law Proposal: If you wave a flag from another country in protest of America or it’s election process, you will be deported to that country of origin immediately…..along with your mother, father, grandparents, aunts, uncles, kids, cousins, girl friends, boy friends, and dog.


Protesting Trump because he wants to remove people for breaking our immigration laws is like a bunch of pedophiles protesting because they don’t have access to young children……..oh wait……………..damn.

4 thoughts on “Unacceptable

  1. But but but ‘everybody knows’ they ‘deserved’ it because of racism or something.
    And what was San Jose PD doing, apparently they were in a non-intervention posture as their ‘chief’ didn’t want to antagonize the demonstrators or something along those lines. IOW, they were ignoring felonious actions. Period.

  2. SJPD let it happen, because their mayor wanted it to happen. When there is no more rule of law, folks have to make their own rule of law the best they can…

  3. Imagine if Trump supporters were to arrive at a rally armed — fully compliant with whatever stupid laws the locality might have, but armed and ready to respond to violence with firepower. Can you imagine what the media would say? Do you think there’d be the slightest mention of what Trump supporters have had to endure to now?

  4. yep, some americans feel lucky because they live here and are not in Europe being threatened by muzzies.
    now, illegals Mexicans are not likely to behead you, but in what way are they different from the muzzies in increasing crime and violence throughout the country and helping to bankrupt the country by getting everything free that they can.
    yeah, we’ve got no problems.

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