Coming To A Town Near You

Coming To A Town Near You

I have been writing about this since I started this blog. There is a movement by factions of the Latin population who claim a large swath of the southwest. Make no mistake, these people are serious.

There are numbers of immigrants, many here illegally, who have no interest in assimilating. Their interest is taking over.
At Chicano Park Day, flags are raised for the mestizo race (La Raza) and for Aztlán, the part of the U.S. claimed for the Chicano (Mexican) people.aztlan_map14a-viva_la_raza
Chicano-ism is a neo-Aztec, pagan, Mexican nationalist, brown-supremacist movement. It is a cultic mixture of Marxism and ethnic nationalism.
Chicano Park is on State land, maintained by San Diego.
The subversive, anti-American murals are mostly funded by state and federal grants. The state and federal governments provided $1.6 million to renovate the murals in 2011, just before the last presidential election.
Chicano Park Day is the annual celebration of the liberation of Chicano Park from American imperialism on April 20th or the nearest Saturday.

Fun fact of the day:

The U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement agency in 2015 decided not to deport but release 19,723 criminal illegal immigrants, including 208 convicted of murder, over 900 convicted of sex crimes and 12,307 of drunk driving, according to new government numbers.     here….

Do the Mexicans have a claim? Short answer….NO.    

At what point in history did Indians and Mestizos from Zacatecas or Durango stake a claim on the American Southwest (add the citizens of Guatemala, El Salvador, Honduras and any other nation who can reach our unguarded border)? Neither they nor their ancestors ever lived for one single day in the American Southwest. The Spanish living in the Southwest in 1846 stayed there, and became Americans by the treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo. There were no Spanish inhabitants of the Southwest who were marched to the border and driven into Mexico. It didn’t happen. The Spanish in the Southwest welcomed American citizenship, which brought stability, protection from Indian raids, and a vast increase in their standard of living with the increase in trade with America.

In summary, no current inhabitants of Mexico (or Guatemala, etc.) have a claim on even one single inch of the American Southwest. Not one single citizen of Mexico is sneaking into the United States to reclaim property their ancestors were deprived of. Not one. They are criminal invaders and colonizers, pure and simple.

It’s time Americans learned the true history of our Southwest, as a counter to the currently prevalent “Aztlan” fairy tales put out by “La Raza” (The Race), “the Brown Berets of Aztlan,” “MEChA” (the Student Movement for Aztlan, whose very symbol is a lit “mecha” or fuse on a dynamite bomb), and other radical (and usually openly communist) anti-American groups.

The U.S. Constitution, in Article 4, Section 4, still mandates that the executive branch—President Barack Obama—must protect the states against invasion. Instead of protecting the states from invasion, our rogue president and his gangster henchmen are now intentionally and with forethought laying open our national borders, and are encouraging and assisting the invaders.

How is this not treason?            here….

4 thoughts on “Coming To A Town Near You

  1. This is not treason because Barry O. is a black man and you are racist so shut up! /s
    Truly, we all know it, but the population is either enraptured with the crease on his slacks or cowed by his brown shirts. Those of us who do speak out are shouted down, called bigots and so forth.
    It will not end well and sadly, much blood will be spilled before it’s over.
    Arm up and be ready.

  2. La Raza et. al. sound a lot like another group that we’re familiar with, demanding The Right of Return: The Palastinians. Their leadership scalping and using them for personal gain and pushing the idea of taking over land lost to combat. And the locals that stayed where they were during the conflict are, for the most part, very happy with their new country. It’s the folks that didn’t make the decision to stay, or are driven by their dreadful leadership, who are pushing to take back what they never truly owned. And the leadership perpetuates the mythos…

  3. soooo….it la raza were to succeed and “liberate” aztland…would it, it’s people, and it’s business’s stay like they are, healthy, educated, and more or less successful…or would they revert back to the third world $#!thole all those brown warriors left for a better life??

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