Leaving On A Jet Plane

Leaving On A Jet Plane

[O]fficials from the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) admit that only three airports in the United States require workers to undergo security checks. The astounding admission, delivered this week before Congress, comes on the heels of a number of cases involving gun and drug-smuggling schemes operated by airline employees at major airports, including those located in Atlanta, New York and San Francisco.

…As if this weren’t bad enough, last month government records obtained by the media revealed that 73 employees at nearly 40 airports across the nation were flagged for ties to terror in a June 2015 report from the DHS Inspector General’s Office.   here…

So TSA takes the general population and runs them through a colonoscopy before every flight, but airport staff are not even ran through a security check? What good does it do to screen Mr. and Mrs. Jones and the kids on their way to Disneyland if some Mohamed with airport credentials and bad intentions has a free run of the place. If an airport has unknowingly hired a terrorists or two then all of the TSA security in the world does nothing but inconvenience Americans who think the trade off in loss of privacy for security is worth it.

This is Planet Bullshit my friends! 

4 thoughts on “Leaving On A Jet Plane

  1. you knew that you were screwed when the veterans administration was shown over and over to let vets get poor treatment and even die prematurely because of its ineptness and I believe to this day, not one person has been fire or put in jail for it and there is not one elected official anywhere that is out showing the improvments made and a record of those improvments.

    if govt officials that “love the vets” cant get off their asses to help them, there’s no way they are concerned about your ass.

    I still say to send all of congress, the president and the supreme court into the Potomac and start over. they doubled the debt in less than 8 years, I’d bet 999 out of 1000 people didnt screw up their own finances that bad in the same time.

    1. Dumping every last political turd into the Washington D.C. Beltway Political Club sewer also known as the Potomac is only a temporary cure, leeholsen.

      Like the Human body that’s been given a strong enema the upper alimentary canal will continue to send shit down the pipeline. It’s as close to a perpetual motion machine as is known.

      Power corrupts….Absolute Power corrupts absolutely!

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