Omnibus Shmomnibus….Shut Up And Pay Your Taxes

Omnibus Shmomnibus….Shut Up And Pay Your Taxes

If I have this right:

We needed to quadruple the number of H2B visas because we needed far more nonagricultural, low-skill, low-wage workers coming into the country. H2B visas are granted for jobs like “amusement park worker.”

We’ll make our poor people poorer, and our Middle Class poorer, all to give Disney a 25 cent boost on the stock market, and import more non-Americans to replace American workers. (And eventually, when those non-Americans get comfortable and begin demanding American-style wages – we’ll have to import fresh non-Americans to replace them.)

This is the Republican Way of Doing Business, and if you have a problem with any of this, you’re a goddamned extremist and racist who should be shat upon.

And somehow, somehow, after fucking over every working class and Middle Class voter in America, the GOP predicts… it will somehow pick up a Senate seat here or there, and then we’ll get Supreme Court justices.


So drink up! This is the Golden Age of Republican Incompetency and Corruption.

There have been previous high points of Republican incompetency and corruption — but this age is truly one of miracles and wonders.
Keep Reading….



2 thoughts on “Omnibus Shmomnibus….Shut Up And Pay Your Taxes

  1. Here’s my own definition that I teach in my classes: Government is that institution the lives with the fear that someone, somewhere, may be making money that it doesn’t control. Seems fitting here.

  2. In next November’s election I will vote for only one incumbent, and he will be running for President, not his present seat in the Senate – Ted Cruz. There are only about five in Congress, if there are that many, who are worthy of getting reelected to their present positions. All the rest, ALL, desperately need to be kicked out.

    One other thing, and it is obvious: The so-called “establishment” Republicans (aka RINOs) should stop trying to demonize Trump and get with the business of seeing to it that Hillary gets her badly needed orange jump suit and tossed into the slammer. The mainest reason the “establishment” RINOs are wanting to get rid of Trump is that they can’t control him like the did with McCain in 2008 and Romney in 2012. And look how that turned out!

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