There Is No Grey Area

There Is No Grey Area

If Obama even mentions gun confiscation in his power play address to the nation tonight, impeachment proceedings should begin immediately. As POTUS he is sworn to uphold the Constitution no matter what his fucking lawyers say.

Taking away guns from law abiding Americans won’t stop the Religion of Peace from getting their hands on them dumbass.


3 thoughts on “There Is No Grey Area

  1. That’s never gonna happen because it would be racist. Not to mention, the democrats and GOP elite would never go for that.

  2. He will mention these things never happen except in the US. He say islam is a religion of peace. He will talk about gun control and removing the 2nd ammendment and he’ll blame congress for not acting sooner and how that has forced his hand.

  3. Impeach? Hell no I want a military coup that drags his sorry ass screaming and crying out of the White House along with his bitch wife and his two bitch kids and hang their heads from pikes on the front lawn.

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