Generation Identity

Generation Identity

“Colourful, diverse, heterogeneous; you sure like to sell yourselves as proponents of diversity. You tolerate every perversion and think that by doing so that you’re doing diversity a service. Yet you’re wrong once again. A picture doesn’t take on vivid contrasts when one mixes all the colours together, but when one paints each colour in its respective place. Large-scale diversity requires small-scale homogeneity.You can’t grasp this. You see one multicultural metropolis, and you want every city to become like it. You speak of diversity, but you want to make everything the same. Don’t you preach it to us every day? There has to be one market, you claim. One form of government is the right one. You want to implement one formulation of human rights, which should apply to everyone. We all live in one world. These are your slogans. How is it then that you dare to claim that you stand for diversity, when you hate diversity from the depths of your being?

We don’t want to see one and the same kind of city spread across the entire world. We want to travel to other countries and experience entirely different cultures, not further outposts of a universal, globalised metropolis. We want to return home to our own culture, where we feel in harmony with ourselves, not to a cookie-cutter colony of conformity to a multicultural empire.

We oppose your credo of multiculturalism with the principle of ethnopluralism. Instead of mixing and standardisation, we want to preserve difference. We want different peoples, cultures, and identities. Our own included! We want the world to remain a colourfully vibrant and enchanting mosaic; we don’t want a drab, grey projection screen. We are the real representatives of diversity; its real guerrilla warriors. For we are generation identity.


Willinger, Markus

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