Meanwhile Back At The DOJ….

Meanwhile Back At The DOJ….

….incompetence is being punished rewarded.

Several men have now been convicted for the murder of U.S. Border Patrol agent Brian Terry but we’ve looked into the murky cases of the men in charge of the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives gun-walking scandal known as Operation Fast and Furious and found those in charge of the program received a better deal,” reports. “Murky” because the ATF refuses to tell KVOA what’s happened to 15 federal investigators found responsible for Operation Fast and Furious. Meanwhile, they found out the punishment meted out to the two ATF agents in charge of F&F. First, their guilt . . .

Federal reports obtained by the News 4 Tucson Investigators show the gun buyers spent $1.5 million dollars on 2,000 weapons. The report notes that among those who created the gun walking program, two men were responsible for creating Fast and Furious: ATF’s special agent in charge at the time, William Newell, and his second in command during fast and furious, George Gillett.

Investigators wrote:  “Newell also bore ultimate responsibility for the failures in Operation Fast and Furious.”

And on his second in command: “We found Gillett’s supervision and judgment in Operation Fast and Furious seriously deficient.”

And so . . .

Tony Coulson was a Drug Enforcement administrator in Tucson during Operation Fast and Furious and worked with Newell and Gillett.

“Nothing happened to them. George Gillett was allowed to retire with no impact on his retirement.”

Bill Newell got an even sweeter deal.

“Newell was demoted from a senior executive service to intelligence analyst or grade 13.”

Coulson estimates Newell stands to make $100,000 a year in annuities.

As for the men ultimately responsible for the anti-gun gun running black ops op, Attorney General Eric Holder and President Obama, Mr. Holder got off scott-free (despite being held in contempt of Congress) and Mr. Obama continues to hold office.   Here….obamainchargeofeverythingresponsiblefornothig1

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