Damage Control

Damage Control

The Cult of the Left is going full on damage control, Hillary claims that Rubio wants to stop women from getting mammograms and Republicans are worse than terrorists, Obama is infuriated at the gun the Roanoke killer used (no mention of his gayness or racist motive, just mad at the gun), USA Today says gun was bought legally, their mad a gun also, Jorge Ramos attacks a presidential candidate with no mention of his daughters job with Hillary, The New York times reports the Planned Parenthood videos were altered, Boehner calls Ted Cruz a jackass, Jeb says candidates should be nicer to reporters and wants to hand out free college tuition, Lindsey Grahm says “dark side” Republicans think Obammer is a muslim (uhh…if he’s not he sure acts like he is), Harry Reid loves him some Iran Nuke deals, Dan Rather says Trump/Fox dust up is phony, and so it goes.

Like I said, the Cult of the Left is going full on damage control and that includes our Republican establishment leadership. It’s a sad day when you really can’t tell the difference.

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